Adrie Subono has established himself as a major player in the music business and is improving Indonesia’s international image in the process.
Dressed in his trademark black, Adrie Subono, 53, was wandering around Istora Senayan in Central Jakarta. Toting a walkie-talkie, he was making sure that preparations for the Black Eye Peas concert were on schedule.
“I can’t just stay calm. But since I became a music promoter in this country in 1994, it’s only with this Black Eye Peas concert that I’ve been able to come down to earth and watch the event. That’s because the system at Java Musikindo is now relatively established,” says the father of three.
The concert proved to be a financial success. Tickets, sold for Rp500,000 and Rp850,000, were sold out. The organizer says there were around 7,500 spectators flocking Istora Senayan on the night of the concert.
Adrie and his Java Musikondo has made it into the mainstream of the music event business in Indonesia along with other big names like Peter Basuki’s Buena Production, Rinny Noor’s Nepathya and Tommy Pratama’s Original Production.
The four companies are the dominant force in organizing music shows in Jakarta, along the way helping Indonesia’s image on the international stage.
Dressed in his trademark black, Adrie Subono, 53, was wandering around Istora Senayan in Central Jakarta. Toting a walkie-talkie, he was making sure that preparations for the Black Eye Peas concert were on schedule.
“I can’t just stay calm. But since I became a music promoter in this country in 1994, it’s only with this Black Eye Peas concert that I’ve been able to come down to earth and watch the event. That’s because the system at Java Musikindo is now relatively established,” says the father of three.
The concert proved to be a financial success. Tickets, sold for Rp500,000 and Rp850,000, were sold out. The organizer says there were around 7,500 spectators flocking Istora Senayan on the night of the concert.
Adrie and his Java Musikondo has made it into the mainstream of the music event business in Indonesia along with other big names like Peter Basuki’s Buena Production, Rinny Noor’s Nepathya and Tommy Pratama’s Original Production.
The four companies are the dominant force in organizing music shows in Jakarta, along the way helping Indonesia’s image on the international stage.
rbacakoran at yahoo dot com