ExxonMobil will never rob Venezuela again
Chavez, in his weekly "Hello Mr. President" television and radio program, called the clash with ExxonMobil "the tip of an iceberg that is economic war."
ExxonMobil said Thursday it had won international court orders freezing 12 billion dollars in the worldwide assets of Venezuela's state oil firm, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), as it seeks compensation related to the nationalization push.ExxonMobil, one of the world's largest oil companies, said it had won court orders in London, the Netherlands and Netherlands Antilles freezing PDVSA assets in those jurisdictions of up to 12 billion dollars.
A New York court has also frozen 300 million dollars worth of the state oil firm's assets.
Friday Venezuela's Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez denied any such freeze had taken place.
"Never again will they rob us, these ExxonMobil bandits, they are imperialist thieves, white-collar criminals, corruptors of governments, they supported the invasion of Iraq ... and they continue to support the genocide in Iraq," Chavez said.
"I have read analyses saying this is the tip of the iceberg, other businesses are coming after Venezuela.
"Well, I tell the US empire because it is the master, keep it up, and you will see that we will not send a drop of oil to the US empire," Chavez said, repeating a threat he has made regularly for years.