(RACHMAD YULIADI NASIR, rbacakoran at yahoo dot com)
INDEPENDENT- State Minister for Administrative Reform Taufik Effendy announced Tuesday the government had revised its decree on national holidays and joint-leave days for 2008. Joint-leave days are non-public holidays which have been decreed non-work days for civil servants. They usually fall on weekdays immediately after or before national holidays.
Effendy said a joint-decree by the State Ministry for Administrative Reform, the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry and the Religious Affairs Ministry had reduced the number of national joint-leave days from eight to five days, while the number of national holidays would remain 14 days.
"Civil servants therefore only have four more joint-leave days this year as we already had one on January 11, one day after the Islamic New Year," Taufik said Tuesday.
The previous decree stated joint-leave days were Jan. 11, Feb. 8, May 2 and 19, Sept. 29 and 30, Oct. 3 and Dec. 26.
"We reduced the number of joint-leave days by making Feb. 8, May 2 and May 19 regular work-days," said Effendy.
Effendy said the reduction of joint-leave days was part of an effort to increase productivity and efficiency among government employees.
The decree is a nonbinding for private enterprises, but allows them to arrange their holiday schedules in line with the new government schedule.
The minister also announced forthcoming legislative debate on four laws on public service. The bills, which aim to reform the bureaucracy, are scheduled to be passed by 2009.